Friday, November 7, 2014

Into the Sky

Sunday, April 28, 2013

What am I listening to in the ride #5

I'm on a roll today.
Here is another gem for your listening pleasure.
Terry Urban presents - "Me & Mr. Jones"  Nas and Amy Winehouse.
If this is your first time hearing a Terry Urban mixtape then you are in for a treat.
He has a way of taking preexisting tracks remixing them and making them sound as good or in most cases better than the original.
The other treasure here is realizing what we lost when Amy pasted away.
Most of the Nas versus we've heard before, but do we ever get tired of hearing one of the best to ever do it flow over nice production.
This album is not a trunk banger, but more of a set that you put on for a easy cruise or when you are kind kicked back with a drink or putting something in the air.
+Terry Urban is a hell of a producer, and a number of artists would do well to take their final tracks to Terry for a thorough mix down before release.
My favorite track is" Mr. Virgo "

Holla back.

What am I listening to in the ride #4

I'm back! Let's get right to it.
Currently I'm pumping "Big Krit - King Remembered in Time".
Many artists try to go back to the well with limited success. 
+ Big Krit has managed to do so on this album. 
You really can put this one in and just let it play for the most part. 
Be aware that he still talks about pimping a lot, but he is trying to appeal to a crowd that such talk works for. 
While listening to this album I was most impressed by the fact that he does a majority of the production his self. I feel there are few artist with as much potential. In fact I think with time he could be a true complete artist like Prince, or Curtis Mayfield. Yes those are big shoes to fill, but trust me on this. Everyone has to start somewhere and all the tools are within Krit's arsenal. My favorite track is REM. Give this one a listen and let me know what you think.  

Saturday, June 2, 2012

What Am I Listening to in the Ride? #3

Keeping it real simple......this is what I am listening to right now in the ride -

I now have a new ride since the last time I posted - 

That being said anything with sick, thick bass sounds amazing in the Harman/Kardon system.
Good track selection on this mixtape. Through it in and just let it bang.
Whoever rides with you will be asking where you got it. Trust me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What I'm Listening to Now #2

Well it's been a while since I've done one of these reviews.
I've been pretty busy lately, but here we go.

Lincoln Way Nights - by Stalley

Now let me start by saying this album is not for everyone, but if you like Kanye before he went crazy then this will work for you.
If you like lots of bass with mellow samples, and decent lyrics, then once again this is for you.
If I have it in rotation in the Infiniti then trust me its certified, because I don't ride with nothing but that knock.
Don't say I did not warn you if you end up wrecking you system with this album.
I came across this album while scouring the many mixtape blogs that I frequent.
The blog poster said that this was being slept on. I though "Yeah sure, heard it before."
It turns out the poster was right! This one is being slept on. The first three or four times you listen to this album you will not need to hit skip at all. In fact I found that it took me a while to listen to the entire album because I kept replaying the same track over again. You will know what I mean when you listen to it.

Stand out tracks -

01. See the Milq In My Chevy - This was the perfect song to start the album off with because it knocks right   from the start.

02. Slapp - Its a basshead dream, and the hook is done nicely.

06. The Night (feat. Rashad) - This one will fill your ride with bass, and a smooth horn riff along with the hook done by Rashad.

07. Pound - That's the name, and that is what it does. Pound your system into submission. This is my second favorite track on the album after track #1.

09. She Hates the Bass - As soon as you hear Janet's "Making Love in the Rain" and the pumped up bass you know its going to be good. Plus all you guys out there know what he's talking about. My wife knows when I'm coming down the street because she can hear my bass before she can see the car. LoL

11. Assassin (feat. John Mayer) - Beat goes hard, then to top it off John Mayer is singing the hook. Do you need anything more? My 4th favorite track.

 15. Tell Montez I Love Her - He pours his heart into this one, and it shows. You will be singing the riff from the background. My 3rd favorite track.

Recap - Out of 16 tracks 7 make it into heavy rotation for me.

So on the Romey P scale of 1-5 with 1 being don't wast my time, and 5 being white phosphorus. This album rates a 4. Pretty good if you ask me considering it's a free album.

Go check out the link and keep an eye out for the brother because he put in work on this one.

Until next time...........Stay up!


Romey P

Friday, January 21, 2011

What I’m currently listening to
My music taste varies from day to day. So going forward when I do updates on this site I will do a review of whatever music I have in rotation in my car or one of my various MP3 players. Sometimes it will be new music, but other times it may be fairly old music. It depends on what mood I’m in. I convert all music to FLAC format to get what I feel is the full listening experience, and play back is either on my custom built PC or one of my several portable media players. I am not a audiophile, but I know what I like.
Currently in heavy rotation for me is Jakk Frost  & Vitamin D – “Mekka N The Sole Brother”
Track List
01. Be It
02. Mekka N the Sole Brother
03. Take My Life (ft. Freeway)
05. Say It Aint So (ft. S Dot)
06. If U Think That
07. It’s Not a Game
08. Law of the Jungle
09. Weird Dreemz
10. Missing My Life (ft. S Dot)
11. Sunday Dinner
12. Sunlite Would Never Shine
13. Decisions
14. We Laf, We Cry
15. Who Do U Blame Pt. 2 (The Prequel)
16. Who Do U Blame Pt. 1
Romey P’s Review –
Let me state up front that I have some bias for this artist as he’s from Philly, and I live in that area.
But I won’t let that color my review, trust me.
With that being said I must say this album is fire.
It consists of the 16 tracks you see listed above. Over half of the tracks have made it into my personal playlist which contains nothing but the best that an artist has to offer, and keeps my head bobbing. After a few more reviews I may put that list up if anyone is interested.
Production on this album is very tight and portrays no evidence of being underground. All beats are bangers, and original. Jakk’s lyrical skills easily rival and surpass those of current mainstream artist. In fact I would say the big man is lyrically light on his feet with scary verbal skills sounding like a combination of Chubb Rock, Biggie, and Scarface. Your welcome to argue with those comparisons but this is my blog so that’s what I think.

Standout tracks on this project -   
        01 Be It – Starts the album off on the right foot with good sonics and Jakk easily flowing in and out of the beat.
 03 Take My Live Ft Freeway – Beat is banging on this one with a catchy hook. Jakk and Free do their thing.
 04 Born 2 Hustle – Love the hook on this one too. Nice production and Jakk continues to spit fire.
 06 If U Think That – Easily my favorite track on the entire album. You’ll be singing the hook to this one for a while.
 07 Its Not A Game – It’s a tossup between this one and number 06 for best on the album. Bang this one in the Whip.
 08 Law of the Jungle – Jakk showcases his story telling skills. Nice!
 10 Missing My Life Ft S Dot – Nice production on this one. Good lyrical flow. S Dot’s hook is on point.
 14 We Laf We Cry – Wow! Just Wow! Some real soul bearing shit here.
 15 Who Do U Blame Pt.2 – I’ll let you peep this one, but notice it made the list.
 16 Who Do U Blame Pt.1 – See number 15. Gotta love a rapper who can tell a story on this level. Verbal movie.

As you can see of 16 tracks 10 of them are standouts. That’s pretty hard to do if you ask me. It’s not for the kids because there is a lot of real gritty street stuff, but if you can handle that you will find something here well worth the listen.

On Romey’s rating scale of 1 – 10, with 1 being don’t waste your time, and 10 being white phosphorus.
I rate this album 8.5.
Not much room for improvement really as you can see from my review.
I just don’t give up my highest score so easily like some reviews.
Now I will say that my rating could go up or down depending on other reviews in the future.
Can your album stand the test of time?
Jakk can be reached at the address listed above or iTunes. Check out his other albums too as they are all worth a listen.

I will post more reviews as I listen to a lot of music.
If you would like to recommend something for me to review please feel free to contact me here.
If you are an artist that would like to have me review your work, and can take an honest assessment then please get in contact with me via email. I do not post download links unless authorize by the artist.

I hope you found this of interest.

Talk to ya soon!